1 Helena Mayerhoffer
1 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
Helena Mayerhoffer
University of Applied Health Sciences, Mlinarska 38, Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: mayerhoffer.helena@gmail.com
Keywords: ChatGPT, nursing, triage
cial intelligence cannot take over and that it can only be a help, not a substitute for medical personnel.
Triage is a preliminary assessment of a patient’s con- dition with the aim of determining the urgency of their need for treatment. It is a process which helps ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate care based on the severity of their condition. It is typically conducted by nurses using a set of estab- lished protocols designed to help them rapidly and accurately assess the patient’s condition and deter- mine the appropriate level of care (1). One of the triage protocols used is the five-level protocol. The level depends on the urgency at which the patient needs treatment and is divided into: the first level, where the patient requires immediate resuscitation, intubation, or emergency surgery; the second level, where there is a potentially life-threatening condi- tion which requires urgent assessment and treat- ment (e.g., severe bleeding, chest pain, breathing difficulties); the third level, where the patient needs prompt attention, but is not in a life-threatening condition (e.g., bone fracture, moderate pain, fever); the fourth level, which includes conditions requiring medical attention within a few hours (e.g., minor cut, mild allergic reactions); and the fifth level, where the patient can wait for several hours or days (e.g., ankle sprain, minor rash). Protocols are categorized by the diagnose and are based on symptoms, with questions for each diagnosis which aid the nurse in assessing the patient’s condition (1). With the development of technology and artificial intelligence capabilities, the question arises whether this process should be digi- talized for faster processing. Chat robots like Chat- GPT have been developed to assist with everyday human tasks. The question is whether artificial intel- ligence can aid in triage by using machine learning algorithms to analyze patients’ symptoms and pro- vide guidance to healthcare professionals. While chat
robots have the potential to revolutionize the triage process, it’s important to evaluate their effectiveness compared to traditional nurse triage protocols (2).
The aim of this research paper is to conduct a com- parative analysis of traditional nurse triage protocols and ChatGPT’s responses to case scenarios. The ef- ficiency and accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses to a prompt with case scenarios will be studied and compared with the existing data from the literature. The importance of this research is to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of ChatGPT’s categorization of medical cases and its ability to propose accurate diagnoses based on provided symptoms. This analy- sis is conducted to provide insights into the potential benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT for triage and to recommend how artificial intelligence can en- hance the work of healthcare professionals. The re- search questions are: how does ChatGPT categorize medical cases into triage categories compared to cat- egorization based on literature, what diagnoses does ChatGPT propose for given case presentations, and can ChatGPT be considered a useful tool for practical medical triage?
The hypotheses are that ChatGPT can effectively categorize medical cases into triage categories in ac- cordance with recommendations from the literature, it can accurately provide diagnoses for given case presentations, and that it is a useful tool for practical medical triage.
The contributions of this research include a com- parative analysis of traditional nurse triage protocols and ChatGPT, investigating the efficiency, accuracy, benefits and limitations of ChatGPT, as well as rec- ommendations for improving the work of healthcare professionals using artificial intelligence.
In this research, a thorough literature review was conducted to select relevant literature for compar- ing data with the ChatGPT model. The book which was chosen was the “Emergency Nursing: 5-Tier Tri- age Protocols”, published in 2020 (1). The research included the most common diagnoses for which
patients come to emergency departments, includ- ing cardiac arrest, cerebrovascular insult, chest pain, abdominal pain, allergic reactions, traumatic injuries, viral and bacterial respiratory diseases, breathing dif- ficulties, burns, hypothermia, and diabetes related is- sues. Under each diagnosis, the triage categories and symptoms per category are listed. For the purposes of the research, three categories (out of a total of
the length of responses, 5 cases were written in one question. After recording ChatGPT’s responses, they were compared to the literature to assess accuracy. The model used was the basic ChatGPT-3, available on the Internet for free.
five) were randomly selected for each diagnosis. The random selection of triage categories serves multi-
ple purposes. Firstly, it prevents intentional bias in the selection process, avoiding patterns which could inadvertently favor the model’s training data. Rand- omization reduces the risk of favoring specific cases and ensures a representative sample for assessing ChatGPT’s generalization across diverse medical conditions. This approach introduces variability, ex- posing the model to a spectrum of complex and less complex cases, thereby challenging it and revealing strengths and weaknesses. By simulating a realistic scenario where healthcare professionals encoun- ter diverse cases daily, randomization contributes to the generalizability of the evaluation. Moreover, it mitigates the risk of model overfitting to specific categories during training, ensuring a more compre- hensive and unbiased assessment. For the diagnosis of stroke and breathing difficulties, categories 1, 2 and 4 were chosen; for allergic reactions, chest and abdominal pain, categories 1, 2 and 3 were chosen; for traumatic injuries, burns and diabetes related is- sues, categories 2, 3 and 4 were chosen; for hypo- thermia, categories 2, 3 and 5 were chosen and for respiratory infections, categories 1, 3 and 4 were chosen. Only three categories were chosen to chal- lenge the ChatGPT model in the triaging process. If all five categories were included, the model would distinguish between the categories more easily, po- tentially deviating from real in-hospital situations. A total of 30 case scenarios were analyzed to deter- mine how ChatGPT triages the given patients and what diagnoses it suggests based on the written symptoms. The case scenario was presented to Chat- GPT as patient exhibiting symptoms listed under the selected category from the previously mentioned book “Emergency Nursing: 5-Tier Triage Protocols“. Such case scenarios were presented to ChatGPT with the following prompt: “Here are 5 emergency cases, read each of them, then categorize them into triage categories using the 5-Tier Triage Protocol and sug- gest a potential diagnosis.” To avoid errors due to the character limit which ChatGPT can process and
In Table 1, diagnoses taken from the literature, di- agnoses which ChatGPT assumed based only on those symptoms, triage categories in which those symptoms are classified according to the literature, the category in which ChatGPT triaged, the accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses compared to the literature (correct-incorrect), and the difference in categories between the literature and ChatGPT (how much ChatGPT has erred) are shown.
The results of this study show that ChatGPT can clas- sify medical cases into triage categories in accord- ance with literature recommendations, but with an 43.33% accuracy. The average difference in catego- rization between ChatGPT and literature is 0.7. When individual cases are examined, ChatGPT made errors for 2 categories in the 4th category of stroke, the 4th category of breathing difficulties, the 4th category of burns, and the 3rd category of diabetes related is- sues. It made errors for 1 category in the 2nd and 3rd categories of traumatic injuries, the 2nd category of breathing difficulties, the 2nd and 3rd categories of burns, the 2nd and 3rd categories of hypothermia, the 2nd and 3rd categories of chest pain, the 4th and 3rd categories of respiratory infections, and the 2nd and 4th categories of diabetes related issues. Cases where ChatGPT categorized correctly include the 1st and 2nd categories of stroke, categories 1-3 of aller- gic reactions, the 4th category of traumatic injuries, the 1st category of breathing difficulties, the 5th category of hypothermia, the 1st category of chest pain, categories 1-3 of abdominal pain, and the 1st category of respiratory infections.
In all cases where ChatGPT misclassified, it tended to categorize at a higher level, indicating a positive pat- tern where it prioritizes patient safety when there is insufficient information or when it perceives that the symptoms mentioned may indicate a more seri-
Table 1. Comparison of ChatGPT’s responses with sources from literature | |||||
Stroke | Anaphylaxis or allergic reaction | 1 | 1 | + | 0 |
Stroke | Stroke | 2 | 2 | + | 0 |
Stroke | Neurological disorder | 4 | 2 | - | 2 |
Allergic reaction | Acute airway obstruction | 1 | 1 | + | 0 |
Allergic reaction | Anaphylaxis or angioedema | 2 | 2 | + | 0 |
Allergic reaction | Allergic reaction or viral disease | 3 | 3 | + | 0 |
Traumatic injury | Fracture or dislocation | 2 | 1 | - | 1 |
Traumatic injury | Fracture | 3 | 2 | - | 1 |
Traumatic injury | Fracture | 4 | 4 | + | 0 |
Breathing difficulties | Heart attack or asthma attack | 1 | 1 | + | 0 |
Breathing difficulties | Airway obstruction, severe allergic reaction | 2 | 1 | - | 1 |
Breathing difficulties | Respiratory infection or pneumonia | 4 | 2 | - | 2 |
Burn | 3rd degree burn | 2 | 1 | - | 1 |
Burn | Severe burn, possible airway involvement | 3 | 2 | - | 1 |
Burn | 2nd degree burn with signs of deep infection | 4 | 2 | - | 2 |
Hypothermia | Hypothermia | 2 | 1 | - | 1 |
Hypothermia | 2nd degree frostbite | 3 | 2 | - | 1 |
Hypothermia | Mild hypothermia | 5 | 5 | + | 0 |
Chest pain | Cardiac arrest | 1 | 1 | + | 0 |
Chest pain | Cardiac arrest | 2 | 1 | - | 1 |
Chest pain | Deep vein thrombosis or cardiac arrest | 3 | 2 | - | 1 |
Abdominal pain | Respiratory arrest, sepsis, cerebrovascular insult | 1 | 1 | + | 0 |
Table 1. Comparison of ChatGPT’s responses with sources from literature | |||||
Abdominal pain Gastrointestinal
2 2 + 0
Abdominal pain Appendicitis 3 3 + 0
Respiratory infection
Acute asthmatic attack, pneumonia, COVID-19
1 1 + 0
Respiratory infection
Respiratory infection
Diabetes related issued
Severe hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis
Respiratory infection
Bacterial infection 4 3 - 1
Diabetes related issued
Did not provide a diagnosis
Diabetes related issued
Diabetic ketoacidosis
3 1 - 2
TOTAL 43.33% 0.7
ous problem. When it comes to ChatGPT’s ability to provide diagnoses based on provided symptoms, it performed well in most cases, even offering multiple diagnoses in some instances. The only case where it didn’t provide a diagnosis was in the 4th category of diabetes related issues. The results presented in Table 1 indicate that ChatGPT is not a reliable tool for diagnosis. For instance, in the reference book, symp- toms listed for stroke in category 1 include severe respiratory distress, paleness, diaphoresis, lighthead- edness or weakness, and unresponsiveness. These symptoms also overlap with those of a category 1 allergic reaction. Consequently, ChatGPT failed to distinguish between the two due to the similarity in symptoms. This same behavior can be seen with some other diagnoses because ChatGPT lacks spe- cific medical training and has limited understanding of the context in which the situation is happening.
Research conducted in Turkey showed that the accu- racy rate of decisions made by nurses in triage was 59.3%, meaning that 40.7% of decisions were incor- rect (3). Additionally, research by Chen J. C. and col- leagues (4) reported a 40% inaccuracy rate in nurses triage decisions, while in the study by Jordi K. and col- leagues (5), it was 40.4%. The research from Turkey suggests that the number of patients in the emergen- cy department significantly affects triage accuracy, with larger patient volumes leading to lower triage ac- curacy (3). It has also been demonstrated that nurses sometimes struggle with patient categorization and require more time, with approximately half of the pa- tients who presented to the emergency department being placed in the 3rd category (3). Another factor affecting triage is the experience of the nurse, with those having less than a year of experience making about 10% more errors than those with around 4 years of experience (3). When taking these factors into con-
sideration, even though ChatGPT’s categorization ac- curacy is 43.33%, the average difference in categories between ChatGPT and literature is only 0.7, which is a relatively small difference considering the impact of the mentioned factors on triage speed and accuracy. It’s important to note that in cases where ChatGPT misclassified, it tended to categorize at a higher level, thereby prioritizing patient safety (3).
The results of Benoit J.R.A.’s study show that ChatGPT is successful in diagnosing simple cases in 71.1% of cases and correctly triaging 57.8% of cases (2). The higher percentage in this study is due to several fac- tors. The author categorized cases into three types: emergencies, non-emergencies, and cases which can be managed at home. This is not a standard catego- rization, and it is unclear how emergency cases were ranked. The experiment’s data do not specify how case scenarios were presented, only that they were simple scenarios. This study has raised questions about ChatGPT’s capabilities in triage and presents opportunities for further research (2).
A cross-sectional study by İbrahim et al. evaluated the performance of ChatGPT in predicting triage categories in an Emergency Room (ER) setting. The researchers generated case scenarios based on the Emergency Severity Index. Two independent ER spe- cialists categorized the cases, and a third specialist resolved any conflicting categorizations. ChatGPT was then used to predict triage categories, and its performance was compared to expert classifications. The study found fair agreement between ChatGPT and ER specialists, with a Cohen’s Kappa of 0.341. The sensitivity for high acuity cases was 76.2%, while specificity was 93.1%. The study suggests that ChatGPT, while showing promise in distinguish- ing high acuity cases, has limitations in accurately predicting triage categories overall. The researchers recommend further validation with larger datasets and highlight the importance of considering the sub- jective nature of triage and potential biases in the decision-making process (6).
A study conducted by Gebrael G. et al. demonstrated a diagnostic performance of 87.5% using ChatGPT in emergency cases for patients with metastatic prostate cancer. The study highlighted limitations in determining the need for hospital admission. The researchers underscored the significance of develop- ing an AI model for this purpose and emphasized the potential benefits of utilizing AI in emergency room settings (7).
Researchers who compared the diagnostic and triage accuracy of ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4.0, Ada and Web- MD showed that in the diagnostic analysis, ChatGPT
3.5 exhibited the highest diagnostic accuracy, with a top-3 diagnostic match rate of 63%. However, it also had a concerning high unsafe triage rate of 41%, signifying instances where the triage recommenda- tions could be potentially harmful or inappropriate. On the other hand, ChatGPT 4.0 demonstrated lower diagnostic accuracy compared to ChatGPT 3.5, with a top-3 diagnostic match rate of 50%. However, it pre- sented a notably lower unsafe triage rate of 22% and achieved the highest triage agreement rate (76%) with the physicians among all models. This suggests that ChatGPT 4.0, despite its reduced diagnostic ac- curacy, performed better in terms of providing triage recommendations which align with physician’s as- sessments while minimizing unsafe suggestions (8).
Despite its low accuracy, ChatGPT has demonstrated some positive results in diagnosing and categorizing cases. This suggests the potential for improvement through additional specialized training and model op- timization for medical purposes. ChatGPT has the po- tential to expedite triage and assist less experienced healthcare professionals, but its accuracy is not high enough to rely solely on its responses.
Of course, there are aspects which ChatGPT cannot replace, such as empathy, human touch and comfort- ing words which are essential when patients are in panic or pain and seeking help. Individuals also dis- play a range of nonverbal signals, such as body lan- guage and facial expressions, which can offer valu- able insights into a patient’s condition, which require human observation. There is also a responsibility issue, i.e. if a healthcare provider relies on ChatGPT, they must bear the responsibility if a negative out- come occurs. In general, while ChatGPT has the po- tential to assist in medical triage, it should be consid- ered a tool which adds to the knowledge and work of nurses rather than replacing them.
By analyzing the presented research results, we can assess how ChatGPT categorizes medical cases in tri- age compared to literature-based categorization and the diagnoses it provides for given case presenta- tions. The overall accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses is 43.33%, with an average category difference of 0.7 compared to the literature. Based on these results, we can examine the hypotheses put forth. The first hypothesis was that ChatGPT can effectively cat- egorize medical cases into triage categories accord- ing to literature recommendations. The results show variable accuracy of ChatGPT in categorizing medical cases into triage categories. While some cases align with the literature, there are deviations in others. Therefore, we cannot fully confirm this hypothesis at this time. The second hypothesis was that Chat- GPT can accurately diagnose given case presenta- tions. ChatGPT provides different diagnoses for given case presentations, but the accuracy of these diagnoses varies. Therefore, this hypothesis is also partially confirmed, with room for improvement. The third hypothesis was that ChatGPT is a useful tool for practical medical triage. Considering the variable accuracy and consistency of ChatGPT in diagnosing and categorizing cases, we cannot currently consider ChatGPT as an accurate tool for practical medical tri- age. Therefore, this hypothesis cannot be confirmed at this time. However, the research results highlight the potential of artificial intelligence in the clinical environment, and with further improvement and model adaptation, better accuracy and reliability can be achieved. In conclusion, ChatGPT shows potential for usage in medical triage, but its current level of ac- curacy and consistency does not justify its independ- ent use in medical practice. Based on the findings, future research is recommended to focus on special- ized training of the model using medical data and terminology to enhance its accuracy and reliability in the context of medical triage. It would be valuable to assess ChatGPT’s accuracy on real case presenta- tions, explore its applicability in the emergency de- partment, and make comparisons between the triage results of nurses and ChatGPT.
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