
Perception of the Quality of Nursing Work Life

1 Katarina Tokić
2 Slađana Režić
1 Clinic
for children’s diseases Zagreb, Institute for pediatric oncology and
hematology with day hospital „Mladen Ćepulić“, Zagreb, Croatia
2 Department for Health Care Quality Assurance and Improvement, UHC Zagreb, Croatia
Article received: 23.10.2022.

Article accepted: 21.11.2022.

Author for correspondence:
Slađana Režić
Department for Health Care Quality Assurance and Impro- vement, UHC Zagreb
Kišpatićeva 12, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail:

Keywords: life quality, quality of work life, intensive care, nursing


Introduction. Quality
of work life is a multidimen- sional construct consisting of several
mutually linked factors, such as job satisfaction, commitment to work,
motivation, work efficiency, work safety, im- provement of abilities
and work-life balance.
The aim of this paper was to determine the quality of work life in
nurses employed in intensive care and anesthesiology units, as well as
to deter- mine whether there is a difference in the quality of work
life regarding gender, education, years of ser- vice, workplace, and
way of working.
Methods and respondents.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in May 2021. The study was
conduct- ed by using a socio-demographic data questionnaire and the
Brooks Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey which consists of 42 items
divided into 4 subscales. 102 respondents employed in intensive care
and an- esthesiology units at the UHC Zagreb and UHC Ses- tre
milosrdnice participated in the study.
Results. The
questionnaire was filled in by 102 re- spondents, and the overall
results show that nurses assess the quality of their work life as being
moder- ate. Looking at every subscale separately, nurses as- sessed the
quality of work life as being moderate in the work life/home life, work
design and work world subscales. In the work context subscale, nurses
have assessed their quality of work life as being high. No
statistically significant difference was found con- cerning gender,
education, years of service, work- place, and way of working.

Conclusion. The
quality of nursing work life was moderate in all subscales, except in
the work context subscale, where it was assessed as high. The results
have shown that nurses are dissatisfied with their salaries, their work
not being acknowledged and their excessive workload. Management should
inter- vene in order to improve the quality of nursing work life.