
Guidelines In the Work of Operating Room Nurses

1 Marin Repustić

1 General Hospital “dr. ivo Pedišić“, Sisak, Croatia
Article received: 02.11.2021.
Article accepted: 06.12.2021.

Author for correspondence:
Marin repustić
Department for ensuring and improving the Quality of Healthcare
General Hospital “dr. ivo pedišić“
Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 59, 44000 Sisak, croatia e-mail:

Keywords: guidelines, operating room nurses, patient safety


Introduction. The
use of guidelines in the work of operating room nurses makes daily
tasks easier and enables treatment in accordance with set procedures
based on scientific evidence. Additionally, the use of set guidelines
in the work of operating room nurses enables traceability of healthcare
and the best care for the patient, which also increases the safety of
the patient in the operating room during the perioperative period.
Aim. The
goal of this article is to investigate and determine if operating room
nurses are aware of the guidelines, if they use them in their daily
work, and if the guidelines are available at their workplace. The goal
is also to determine the opinion of operating room nurses about legal
protection that the guidelines provide in case of unforeseen events, as
well as the necessary level of education of the personnel setting the
guidelines, and the effect of the guidelines on the patient's safety in
the operating room. Additionally, it is to determine if the use of the
guidelines reduces inconsistencies in the work of operating room nurses
in different hospitals, and which institutions are in charge of setting
Methods. The
survey for this research was conducted by the author of this paper and
was distributed at the congress of operating room nurses in october of
2019. 210 operating room nurses completed the survey, being of
different levels of formal education, and are employees ofvarious clinical Hospital cen tres, clinical Hospitals and general Hospitals in the republic of croatia.
Results. According
to the results of the survey, 90 respondents were bachelors of nursing,
60 respond- ents had a university degree, and 60 respondents had a high
school diploma. The length of work ex- perience of the operating room
nurses who partici- pated in the survey was between 1 and 30 years. The
results of the research showed that the major- ity of operating room
nurses were familiar with the existence of the guidelines and
recommendations, and they used them in their work. results show that
most respondents are aware of the need to use the guidelines, and that
they are available at their work place. results also show that
operating room nurses feel that the use of the guidelines has a very
strong influence on the level of patient safety. operating room nurses
know that the guidelines provide legal protection and that the level of
the nurses' education is important for setting the guidelines.
Conclusion. operating
room nurses use the guide- lines in daily work whenever they are
applicable. respondents have also developed an awareness of the
obligation to use the guidelines, as well as their benefits in
improving patient safety. They also pro- vide legal protection in the
event of unforeseen cir- cumstances.