
Nutritional Habits of Preschool Children

1 Petra Gazec
1 Kristian Civka
1,2 Adriano Friganović
1 Department of Anesthesiology and intensive medicine, University Hospital Centre zagreb, zagreb, Croatia
2 University of Applied Health Sciences, zagreb, Croatia

Article received: 01.11.2021.

Article accepted: 15.12.2021.

Author for correspondence:
Adriano friganović
Department of Anesthesiology and intensive Medicine, University Hospital centre Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, Zagreb, croatia
University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, croatia e-mail:

Keywords: nurse, nutrition, preschool education


Introduction. proper
nutrition is crucial for main- taining good health and provides the
basis for proper growth and development of children and adoles- cents.
insufficient physical activity and inadequate nutrition are among the
leading causes of mortality and morbidity.
Aim. The aim of this research paper was to examine the nutritional habits of preschool children.
Methods. The
study was conducted in April 2018 and included a survey of kindergarten
children and their parents. A questionnaire consisting of 24 ques-
tions was created for the purposes of the study. The survey was
conducted entirely anonymously and voluntarily. of the 100 respondents
included in the study, 52% (52) were boys and 48% (48) were girls. The
average age of the respondents was 5.12 years.
Results. out
of a total of 100 children, 98% (98) have a hot meal every day, while
2% (2) do not. cereals and cereal products are consumed by 97% of
children, while 3% stated that they do not consume cereals. As with
cereals, 97% of children use milk and dairy products, while only 3% do
not consume them. 29 (76%) boys have normal body weight. four (5%) were
malnourished and 3 (8%) boys were over-
30 (70%) girls have normal body weight, 3 (7%) are malnourished, and
one (2%) girl is overweight. 8 (21%) girls were obese.
Conclusion. According
to the obtained research results, it can be concluded that most of the
examined children ate properly and had normal body weight. it
a worrying fact that most of the children consume sweets/snacks on a
daily basis, while on the other hand a large number of surveyed
children do not consume vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. nurses
in preschools face the challenging task of integrating their
professional knowledge into the educational process.