
Nurses' Knowledge of Palliative Care at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Health Care

1 Ružica Marinić
1 Ana Joka
1,2 Adriano Friganović
1,2 Ana ljubas
2 Valerija korent
1 University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
2 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
3 County Hospital čakovec, čakovec, Croatia
Article received: 03.02.2021.
Article accepted: 24.04.2021.

Author for correspondence:
Ružica Marinić
University Hospital centre Zagreb Kišpatićeva 12, Zagreb, croatia

keywords: palliative medicine, palliative care, palliative patient


Introduction. Comprehensive
care for patients who no longer respond to treatment procedures is
called palliative care. palliative medicine does not delay or
accelerate death, it promotes life, and considers dy- ing as a normal
process. in palliative medicine and care there is no place for
hierarchy - teamwork, focus on the patient and respect for his autonomy
are what is important.
Aim. The
conducted research shows the knowledge of nurses about palliative care
at the primary, sec- ondary and tertiary levels of health care.
Methods. prospective
research in the republic of croatia at three levels of health care has
been con- ducted. The sample included 150 nurses. The instru- ment used
in the study was the palliative care Quiz for nursing (pcQn).
Results. The
results showed that the nurses’ knowl- edge of palliative care is
insufficient among the nurs- ing population. despite numerous training
activities conducted over the past ten years, levels of knowl- edge are
still lower than expected. nurses at the pri- mary level of health care
have far greater knowledge than nurses at secondary and tertiary levels.
Conclusion. results
of the study showed the need for quality education with real-life
examples in order to achieve higher levels of empathy, spread knowl-
edge about palliative care and about the importance of care for
palliative patients. it is recommended to increase the number of
educational activities in small groups, in the local language,
adaptable and under- standable to all health professionals.