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ICU Nurses’ Perception of Visits to Patients

¹ Ines Dobrinić
2 Slađana Režić
¹ Clinic for Lung Diseases Jordanovac, Intensive Care Unit, UHC Zagreb, Croatia
² Department for Health Care Quality Assurance and Improvement, UHC Zagreb, Croatia

Author for correspondence:
Slađana Režić
Department for Health Care Quality Assurance and Impro- vement, UHC Zagreb
Kišpatićeva 12, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail:

Keywords: children’s visits, open ICU concept, visiting policy, visit limitation, visit-related infections


Introduction. Visits
to patients are part of a posi- tive and effective strategy of helping
patients and their families to better adapt to the stress caused by a
patient’s admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).
Aim. To determine the ICU nurses’ perception of vis- its to patients.
Methods. The
study was conducted at the Univer- sity Hospital Centre Zagreb (UHC).
The cross-sectional study included nurses who work in ICUs. An anony-
mous, self-designed questionnaire was used and filled in by 44
respondents. The questionnaire consisted of 17 closed-ended questions
pertaining to demographic data, questions related to information on
visits and questions about the concept of open visits.
Results. Out
of the total number of 44 respondents, 25 respondents stated that their
ICU has booklets about the manner of visits and visiting hours, and
that they hand them out to families, while 19 re- spondents stated that
they do not have such book- lets. 61% of the respondents feel they have
suf- ficient training to communicate with the patient’s family. 41% of
the respondents said that the visits had a positive effect on the
patient’s condition and only 2% stated that the visits had no positive
effect. 57 % of the respondents think that visits sometimes have a
positive effect on the patient’s condition. Of the total number of
respondents, 84% feel that visit- ing hours should be limited.
Respondents feel that visits sometimes impede them in their work (66%),
while 59% of the respondents feel that visits help spread infections.
Out of the total number of re- spondents, only 32% of them stated that
they were familiar with the open ICU concept.
Conclusion. More
than half of the respondents stated that they have a written visiting
policy on ICU wards, and that they are trained to communicate with the
family members of patients. Most respond- ents feel that visits
contribute to the spread of infec- tions and that they would limit
children’s visits to the ICU. The respondents’ poor knowledge of the
open ICU concept creates one of the barriers to introducing it in their