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Nursing Student’s Knowledge

about Understanding and Prevention of Needle Stick Injury


1 Sanja Ledinski Fičko

2 Matija Mlinar

1 Ana Marija Hošnjak

1 Martina Smrekar

1 Biljana Kurtović

1 Janko Babić

1 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department of Cardiac Surgery, UHC Zagreb, Croatia



Author for correspondence:

Sanja Ledinski Fičko

University of Applied Health Sciences Mlinarska cesta 38, Zagreb, Croatia



Keywords: needle stick injury (NSI), nursing students, prevention programs





Introduction. Needle stick injury (NSI) is an occupa- tional health and safety issue. Nursing students are

prone to NSI due to lack of experience with handling needles and sharps.

Aim. To determine the level of knowledge about the prevention of NSI and examine the level of knowl- edge about the post-exposure procedure and the students’ understanding of NSI.

Methods. The study was conducted in 2017 at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb. The participants were nursing students from all regions of Croatia. The data was collected using a question- naire containing 17 questions specifically designed for this study. One question had three subquestions and one had five subquestions regarding the knowl- edge of how to react if a needle stick injury occurs. The participants also responded to a questionnaire on their socio-demographic data.

Results. The study included 149 students. The re- sults show that 16 students have experienced NSI. A statistically significant difference was observed among students who have finished a secondary med- ical school in the answers about post-NSI interven- tions and in answers to the question of whether the needle should be recapped. The respondents from medical schools answered correctly. A statistically significant difference was observed among students from non-medical secondary schools in the answers about education on post-exposition procedures and in the answers about necessary action following a needle stick injury. The respondents from non-medi- cal secondary schools had higher scores.

Conclusion. The results of this study can be used to establish appropriate education strategies, increase the awareness of needle stick injuries and minimize the occurrence of these injuries among nursing stu- dents in Croatia.