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Diferences in Perception of Stress of Physiotherapists Employed in Various Departments


1 Mia Milojević

1 Ivan Brumini

1 Ivana Crnković

1 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia



Author for correspondence:

Mia Milojević

University of Applied Health Sciences Zagreb Mlinarska 38, Zagreb, Croatia



Keywords: perceived stress, physiotherapists, clinical environment





Stress in the workplace represents a specifc type of stress, stemming from the work environment. Stress- ful situations at work can trigger negative emotions that are linked with anxiety, tension, depression, fa-

tigue and lack of working motivation. The aim of this research is to investigate diferences in the percep- tion of stress of physiotherapists employed in various departments. The research was conducted using an online questionnaire aimed at 123 physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia. The results have showed that respondents perceived their workplace as mod- erately stressful. Considering the diference in the experience and perception of stress with regard to the department where physiotherapists work, the results have showed that there is a statistically sig- nifcant diference in the level of perceived stress among the respondents with regard to the depart- ment in which they are employed. It was found that respondents employed in orthopaedics perceived stress to a lesser extent than those individuals em- ployed in health centres and in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The diferences in the perception of stress among the respondents who are employed in other departments have shown no statistically signifcant diference. It was shown that the respondents of 20–25 years of age were found to exhibit statistically signifcantly lower lev- els of perceived stress compared to subjects of 26– 36 years of age. There is no noted statistically sig- nifcant diference in the perception of stress among other age groups. It was determined that participants with a lower net monthly salary exhibit statistically signifcant greater lever of perceived stress in com- parison to participants with a net monthly salary that is greater than the average. The results of the study have shown that there are no statistically signifcant diferences in the level of perceived stress among re- spondents in terms of gender, length of service, level of education or marital status.